...With over 470 species of birds recorded by a resident ornithologist...the shores of the lake are host to basking crocodile and snorting hippo...
On the shores of Lake Baringo, 285 kms northwest of
Nairobi, Lake Baringo Club nestles amongst palm trees, green
lawns and the clashing pinks, purples, reds and oranges of
bougainvillea obviously thriving in the hot steamy days that
characterise so many of the Great Rift Valley's lakes.
Mirroring the surrounding Tugen Hills and Laikipia Escarpment, the lake owes its chocolate colour to the rivers that feed it - all carrying plenty of top soil. Hippo and crocodile share this watery residence with tilapia, mud fish, bass cat fish and an enormous variety of birds.
There is never a dull moment at the Club. Morning and evening bird walks, always accompanied by our resident ornithologist, give visitors the opportunity to see several magnificent birds of prey, noisy, restless 'bush' birds and the numerous species frequenting the shore.
There are plenty of small motorised boats for hire, all
captained by knowledgeable bird enthusiasts. And there is so much
to see on the Lake - hippo and crocodile at close quarters, a
bejewelled assortment of kingfishers, local fisherman sorting the
day's catch, and of course the scenic beauty of a Rift Valley
Our daily visit to a local tribe's manyatta (village) is always
popular with guests. The Njemps are related to the Masai and
Samburu and speak a similar language.
Daily chores continue despite the presence of
visitors - happy, plump children carrying gourds of water almost
larger than themselves, several scrawny dogs scavenging in the
dirt, goats and cattle vying for space in the compound, heavily
beaded women sorting millet and the head of the household,
sitting majestically on his stool, enthralling the younger
members of the family with the stories of yester-year.
The lovely gardens of the Club are a pleasure to behold and the swimming pool, surrounded by clusters of exotic shrubs, attract bathers throughout the day. When you visit us, do allow enough time to enjoy our legendary hospitality in between the many excursions available.