Other Gorilla and Primate Internet Sites
Looking for more information? A number of other organizations
and individuals have compiled quite a bit of interesting
information about gorillas, chimpanzees, and other primates. The
following links take you there -- just remember to come back and
see us again when you're through!
- The
Unofficial Gorilla Home Page at the University of
Kent at Canterbury, United Kingdom
- Mark Scahill's "Unofficial Gorilla Home
Page" provides information about his Gorilla
Modelling System project and links to other
gorilla-related Internet sites.
- Information about the Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund can be
found at two locations:
- Gorillas
in a Database
- This site contains some extremely interesting
and very disturbing maps and images of the
Virunga Mountain Range of Rwanda, Zaire, and
Uganda. The home to half of all remaining
mountain gorillas, the Virungas are threatened by
severe population encroachment and deforestation
-- these maps tell this story vividly.
- Save
the Mountain Gorillas
- Sponsored by Paramount Studios, the producers
of the motion picture "Congo", this
site contains useful information on the Dian
Fossey Gorilla Fund and many of its associated
- The
Misty Future of Rwanda's Mountain Gorillas
- A shorter version of this article by Doug Fine, which
describes the current situation facing the mountain
gorillas of Rwanda, appeared in the Washington Post
- Mountain
Gorillas Killed in Uganda, WWF Field Notes,
March/April 1995.
- An all-too-short account of the mountain gorillas
killed in Uganda by poachers earlier this year.
- Sea
World's Bush Gardens Tampa Bay Gorilla Page
- Presents fairly-detailed information about gorillas'
traits and habitats.
- The
Great Ape Project and Book.
- Find out about the proposal to provide Great Apes with
the same rights accorded to human beings.
Chimpanzees and Primates in General
- The
International Primate Protection League (IPPL)
- Organization dedicated to the protection of primates.
- The Jane
Goodall Institute
- Famous for her work with chimpanzees, this site has
all kinds of info on chimps and other primates.
- The
Bonobo Protection Fund
- Closest human relative? The Bonobo shares 98% of its
genetic makeup with humans, and displays many of the same
traits. Find out more about protecting them at this site.
- Primate Information Network at the University of
- Gopher
- Access to many scientific and research papers
on primates.
- Primate
- Find out how to access "Primate
Talk", an email-based discussion forum for
- Primate
Image Resources
- Pointers to a number of primate gifs and
- Pointers
to Primate Newsletters
- This page points to a number of on-line
publications which discuss primates.
- NetVet's
Electronic Zoo Primate Page
- A research-focused site from Washington University in
St. Louis, Missouri.
- World
Wildlife Fund
- Not just gorillas or primates, but a great site
representative of a worthwhile organization.
Other Strangely-Related Links
- The
Descent of Man, by Charles Darwin
- Good contemplative safari reading. You can download
the entire book, published in 1871, at this site.
- Tarzan
of the Apes, by Edgar Rice Burroughs
- Part of Project Gutenberg, which aims to make
available the world's great books in electronic form, you
can read the entire book here.
Copyright © 1995 Kilimanjaro Adventure Travel
For comments and suggestions or if you have any questions,
please contact stephanie@kilimanjaro.com