Gorillas on the Internet

If someone wants to extend his or her surfing through the seemingly endless depths of the internet for information about gorillas, we would advise starting this search at the Kilimanjaro Adventure Travel's Gorilla Help Site. From this site, you can easily find the most important pages in the World Wide Web which deal with the subject "Gorilla", for example the Unofficial Gorilla Home Page edited by Mark Scahill from the University of Kent.

A good overview of information and web sites about gorillas is also provided by the page Gorillas which was designed by Tim Knight. Especially interesting are the Gorilla Links to various web sites that deal with gorillas. Moreover, general information about gorillas, pictures etc. are provided.

For those who are looking for a job, there is an international internet job listing service called Primate Jobs coordinated by the Wisconsin Regional Primate Research Center: Organizations with positions available or individuals seeking positions may use this service. To list a position, go to this address and select Positions Available Listing Form. Those seeking positions will use the Positions Wanted Listing Form, those looking for placement opportunities in primatology can consult the Positions Available listing, and organizations seeking potential candidates the Positions Wanted listings.

The Gorilla Conservation News, edited by Kelly Stewart, is also available on the internet. And here a few links to organizations that are directly or indirectly occupied with gorillas:

Several web sites are especially dealing with the bushmeat problem in Cameroon and Congo:

There are several organizations supporting conservation in areas where gorillas are living, for example A.D.I.E. (Association for the Development of Information on Environment in the Congo Basin Region), and the Bwindi Impenetrable Great Ape Project. Another organization is ARCOS (Albertine Rift Conservation Society); from the web site the newsletter Backbone (English) or Le Pilier (French) can be downloaded. ECOFAC's newsletter Canopee (in French) is also available on the web. A multi-disciplinary project sponsored by the European Community to investigate and document the future of the peoples of the rainforest is APFT (Avenir des Peuples des Forets Tropicales).

A collection of websites about conservation and wildlife in Africa is at African Websites and the African Wildlife and Conservation . Conserve Africa International is a non-profit international environmental organization.
Everybody who has a special interest in primatology should visit the Primate Information Network at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. This site provides many links and services, for example with primate newsletters.
The IUCN Red List of Threatened animals is provided at www.redlist.org.. For those who are generally interested in subjects about nature and the environment, an interesting page to start with is The EnviroWeb - A Project of the EnviroLink Network. The latest information about the Great Lakes Crisis is available from ReliefWeb. Articles collected from the African press are listed at AllAfrica.com.

Last but not least: The Berggorilla & Regenwald Direkthilfe also has its own Site in German!

Our activities are sponsored by Volcanoes Safaris.

Ulrich Karlowski and Angela Meder


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